UPDATE: The Los Angeles Times has posted some comments from Ralph Collier at The Shark Research Committee: "In regards to the prior migratory movements of adult white sharks off the Southern California coastline, in the past it was necessary for the sharks, once they had pupped, to travel to Central and Northern California because the majority of the pinniped rookeries and … [Read more...]
Decapitated Sea Lion Chums Redondo Beach Break
The Shark Research Committee has posted the following account of a pinniped casualty near Topaz Jetty in Redondo Beach. REDONDO BEACH On August 27, 2008 Cory Kupke was surfing at the Topaz Jetty in Redondo Beach. It was 2:25 PM and he had been in the water about one hour. He had surfed earlier in the day prior to work but returned to the beach about 1:30 PM. The ocean had … [Read more...]