The great white shark that fascinated crowds during its record 198- day stay at the Monterey Bay Aquarium appears to be alive and swimming more than 200 miles south of where it was released a month ago, aquarium officials announced Monday. By Alan Gathright The ... female shark was ... miles west of Point Conception off the Santa Barbara coast Saturday, where an … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2005
Shark Attack Survivor Recalls Terrifying Ordeal
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: It is the ultimate nightmare at sea, like the scene out of the terrifying movie "Jaws." Saturday morning in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Mexico, 49-year-old American surfer Bruce Grimes heads out to the water. As Bruce is surfing, he feels the unthinkable--a shark at his feet. The nine-foot-long bull shark goes from Bruce, attacks him, bites … [Read more...]