This floating, rotting, seal carcass was spotted today near the Bixby Ranch in Northern Santa Barbara County! Local divers entered the water and reportedly observed bite marks on the mangled, bloated pinniped corpse, accompanied by the festering, rancid, stench of death. Given the abundance of mammalian sea life in these waters, it is no surprise that this local … [Read more...]
This gruesome photograph was taken in the area of the Bixby Ranch, close to Point Conception in Northern Santa Barbara County! The Santa Barbara Channel has become increasingly notorious for its large pinniped population and the associated Great White Sharks that hunt them. … [Read more...]
White Shark Encounter near Point Conception
A couple of Northern Santa Barbara County fishermen have reportedly encountered a "big, mean, fish" in the waters east of Point Conception. The female white shark, believed to be approximately 6 meters in length, is said to have approached their fishing boat several times and displayed unusually aggressive behavior. Late spring and early summer are a notorious time of the … [Read more...]
Unprovoked White Shark Attacks
An excellent article from the Shark Research Committee. "On Saturday, 19 July 1975, commercial abalone diver Gary Johnson, age 34, would be attacked at Point Conception, Santa Barbara County, California (34°26.6'N; 120°28.5'W) at about 1330 hrs. This site would become a recurring location only four days later." … [Read more...]
Behavior of the Great White Shark
An article from local marine biologists discussing the prominence of Great White Sharks in the Point Conception area of Northern Santa Barbara County. "Capture records of 109 white sharks caught along the western coast of North America indicate the following life history pattern. Adult females give birth to pups during the late summer and early fall south of the Point … [Read more...]
Great White Shark tracked near Point Conception
The great white shark that fascinated crowds during its record 198- day stay at the Monterey Bay Aquarium appears to be alive and swimming more than 200 miles south of where it was released a month ago, aquarium officials announced Monday. By Alan Gathright The ... female shark was ... miles west of Point Conception off the Santa Barbara coast Saturday, where an … [Read more...]