By Kenneth R. Weiss, Los Angeles Times After seven years of soul-searching, federal officials on Thursday agreed to allow tow-in surfing at California's most famous big-wave riding spot, known as Mavericks, as part of a major expansion of federal rules governing three marine sanctuaries. The revised rules ban chumming for great white sharks around San Francisco's Farallon … [Read more...]
Feeding Frenzy? Shark Attacks Rock Pacific Coastlines!
The news has been assaulted with tales of shark attacks over the past couple of weeks, from Oahu to Santa Barbara County to Volusia County and back to the Big Island (twice!). Activity seems to be unusually brisk - we are currently at a 'High' Alert Level, triggered by back-to-back shark attacks in Hawaii and California. Some speculate that there are more people in the … [Read more...]