Bloomberg is running the following article - it's a somewhat entertaining read. MB By Malcolm Scott, Bloomberg News In December 1963, a great white shark tore open Rodney Fox's abdomen, broke half his ribs, punctured his diaphragm and lung, and exposed the main artery to his heart. He's devoted his life to diving with sharks ever since. Fox returned to the water a year … [Read more...]
Shark Hunter Frank Mundus, 1926-2008
Heart attack takes legendary Montauk fisherman, 82 BY ROBERT WARGAS | Special to Newsday Frank Mundus, the legendary Montauk shark fisherman on whom the crusty Captain Quint character from the movie "Jaws" was said to be based, died in Honolulu after returning there a week ago from a shark fishing trip off Long Island, his wife said Saturday. He was 82. Jeanette … [Read more...]