SANTA BARBARA, CA A faithful Fear Beneath reader from our home town of Santa Barbara, CA, sent in this gruesome picture of a decapitated pinniped after walking in to the mostly-exclusive private beach of Hope Ranch. The rotting, fur-less, carcass showed signs of predation by scavengers, as it had been disemboweled and was spilling its intestines out onto the beach, in … [Read more...]
Fear Beneath Dispatches Team To Channel Islands
Our reporting will be on a brief hiatus as we dispatch our team of scientists and journalists to the Channel Islands on Thursday, in search of seal rookeries and evidence of the man in the gray suit, aka the fear beneath, aka Carcharodon carcharias. We will return Sunday with more of our tireless dedication to fair and balanced shark attack news and information, and … [Read more...]
White Shark Encounter near Point Conception
A couple of Northern Santa Barbara County fishermen have reportedly encountered a "big, mean, fish" in the waters east of Point Conception. The female white shark, believed to be approximately 6 meters in length, is said to have approached their fishing boat several times and displayed unusually aggressive behavior. Late spring and early summer are a notorious time of the … [Read more...]