An interesting and informative article from our local paper, The Santa Barbara Independent, about the 'domestication' of the Great White Shark and the subsequent implications. By Alistair Crowley Four Southern California great white sharks have resided on display at the Monterey Bay Aquarium since 2004 — each in the Outer Bay exhibit for as long as six months before being … [Read more...]
Tracked from above, Great White Sharks moving in less mysterious ways
By Lorna Edwards, The Age, Australia Abalone diver John Rudge does not muck around when he enters the domain of the great white shark. When diving near seal colonies, he spends as little time as possible on the surface forming a silhouette to any great whites that might be hunting below. "They are the top of the food chain to us, an absolutely brilliant predator and … [Read more...]
Atlantic Sharks Face Extinction Due to Over-Fishing and Shark-Finning
By Paul Eccleston A new study warns that more than 25 percent of sharks in the north-east Atlantic are at risk of extinction. Another 20 percent have been put in the near-threatened category, according to research for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); and the figures may be an underestimate as there is insufficient data to assess more than a quarter … [Read more...]
Three Great White Sharks Drop Tags In Tonga
By Mary Fonua in Nuku'alofa, Tonga Three Great White Sharks - each over 4 meters long - have visited Tongatapu waters very recently, dropping their transmitting tags and surprising scientists who say that it is the first time they have known these creatures to come here. "All three sharks may still be in Tongan waters or they may have left," said Clinton Duffy, a … [Read more...]
Great White Sharks Seek Mates At Open Ocean Rest Stop
The Telegraph ( has posted an otherwise interesting article with the ludicrous title "Great white sharks look for girlfriends in underwater singles bar, scientists believe," which insults not only these magnificent beasts but the scientists who dedicate their very existence to the preservation and conservation of ocean life everywhere. By Paul Eccleston … [Read more...]
The Baddest Bite – Great White Sharks
Australian-led researchers have found that a great white shark clamps down with a force of 2 tons. The most powerful bite known of any animal alive, that's 3 times the force of a lion and 23 times that of a person—though just a nip compared with the 12- to 20-ton bite of the extinct megalodon shark. Smithsonian Magazine … [Read more...]
Sharks Massacre Sharks in Dubai Aquarium
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Shark fights in one of the world's biggest aquariums are threatening the opening celebrations of Dubai's flagship new mall. Over ten per cent of the sharks in Dubai Aquarium's 10 million-liter tank have been killed in attacks that have marred the build-up to its grand opening on October 30. Sand Tiger sharks have killed at least 40 smaller reef … [Read more...]
South Africa To Protect Great White Shark
This press release, published by SABC News, is riddled with eccentricity: not much mention of what actual conservation is happening, and team leader Kock working in Kalk Bay. The Fear Beneath has published it anyway in case it might interest our readers. South Africa is the first country to give protection to one of the ocean's ferocious predators, the great white shark. … [Read more...]
Fear Beneath Dispatches Team To Channel Islands
Our reporting will be on a brief hiatus as we dispatch our team of scientists and journalists to the Channel Islands on Thursday, in search of seal rookeries and evidence of the man in the gray suit, aka the fear beneath, aka Carcharodon carcharias. We will return Sunday with more of our tireless dedication to fair and balanced shark attack news and information, and … [Read more...]
Record Year For White Shark Tagging
Another tagged New Zealand great white shark has migrated to the Great Barrier Reef off Australia – 1 of nine sharks to be satellite tagged this year. The 3.5 metre shark, nicknamed ‘Thomas,’ was tagged with a popup archival satellite tag. The tag records information on light levels (from which approximate daily latitude and longitude can be estimated) as well as water depth … [Read more...]